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IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024: Essential Updates for PNP Candidates
Posted on 04-09-2024

IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024: Crucial Updates for PNP Candidates

Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Marc Miller, has announced a new policy for the extension of work permits under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Effective August 11, 2024, this policy provides a streamlined path for eligible foreign nationals to obtain an open work permit, reinforcing Canada's commitment to economic growth by retaining skilled workers who are already contributing to the country.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024
  2. Eligibility Criteria for 2024 IRCC Work Permit Extensions
  3. Exemptions and Admissibility under the New Extension
  4. Impact on Canada's Immigration and Work Permit Rules
  5. Policy Expiration and Future Prospects
  6. Conclusion
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Introduction to IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024

The New IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024 Policy has been introduced under Section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). It focuses on providing a simplified pathway for foreign nationals already in Canada under a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) to continue working while their applications for permanent residency are being processed. This new policy aims to boost Canada's labor market by retaining skilled workers who have already demonstrated their potential to contribute to Canada's economy and communities.

The public policy comes into effect on the date it is signed and applies to applicants received on or after the coming into effect and to applications pending under the Temporary Public Policy to facilitate work permits for foreign nationals in provincial and territorial expression of interest pools under the provincial nominee program signed on june 26,2024.

Eligibility Criteria for 2024 IRCC Work Permit Extension

To qualify under the new policy, foreign nationals must meet specific conditions, including:

  1. Holding a Valid Work Permit: Candidates must have a valid work permit at the time of application or have held a valid work permit on May 7, 2024, that has since expired.
  2. Submitting a New Work Permit Application: Applicants must submit a new work permit application under Section 200 of the Regulations, including any necessary extensions of their authorization to remain in Canada as a temporary resident.
  3. Providing Required Documentation: Applicants must submit a support letter issued by their Provincial or Territorial authority, confirming that they have been screened and placed in an Expression of Interest pool or are in the application inventory process for determining eligibility under the PNP.
  4. Proof of Employment: A letter of employment from the applicant's current employer must also be provided.

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Exemptions and Admissibility under the New Extensions

The New IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024 Policy includes several exemptions from specific regulatory requirements:

  • Regulatory Exemptions: Exemptions are primarily from paragraph 200(1)(c) and paragraph 200(3)(e) of the Regulations, allowing eligible foreign nationals to work legally in Canada while their PNP applications are processed.
  • Maintaining Other Eligibility Requirements: While these exemptions facilitate continued work authorization, all other legislative eligibility and admissibility criteria that are not exempted under this policy or another public policy remain in effect.

Impact on Canada's Immigration Strategy and Work Permit Rules

The introduction of this work permit extension policy is aligned with Canada’s broader immigration strategy, which aims to recalibrate the ratio of temporary residents to permanent residents. By retaining skilled workers through Provincial Nominee Programs and offering a more direct pathway to permanent residency, the policy supports Canada’s economic and demographic growth objectives. The policy also emphasizes the importance of attracting and retaining highly skilled talent to contribute to Canada's labor market and community development.

Policy Expiration and Future Prospects

The new work permit extension policy is set to expire on December 31, 2024. However, the policy may be revoked at any time without prior notice. This flexibility allows the government to adapt to changing economic and labor market needs. For now, the policy serves as a crucial step in Canada's efforts to provide stability and opportunities for foreign nationals who are already invested in building their future in Canada. If you want to know about the complete IRCC permit extension process then you can visit the IRCC official website.


The New IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024 Policy represents a significant step towards strengthening Canada's immigration system by providing more accessible pathways for skilled workers to remain in the country. By focusing on Provincial Nominee Program candidates, Canada continues to prioritize retaining highly skilled individuals who can contribute meaningfully to the economy. Foreign nationals who meet the eligibility criteria are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this new policy to secure their future in Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is eligible for the new IRCC Work Permit Extension 2024 Policy?

Ans. Eligible candidates include those holding a valid work permit, those whose permits have recently expired, or those authorized to work under paragraph 186(u) as of May 7, 2024.

Q2. What documents are required for the new work permit application?

Ans. Applicants must submit a support letter from their Provincial or Territorial authority and a letter of employment from their current employer.

Q3. Are there any exemptions under this policy?

Ans. Yes, exemptions are granted from specific regulatory requirements to allow eligible foreign nationals to continue working in Canada while their PNP applications are processed.

Q4. When does this policy expire?

Ans. The policy is set to expire on December 31, 2024, but may be revoked at any time without prior notice.

Q5. How does this policy impact Canada’s immigration strategy?

Ans. The policy aligns with Canada’s broader strategy to attract and retain skilled workers, thereby supporting economic growth and community development.


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