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New Minimum Wage Rates Across Ontario and 3 Provinces Effective October 2024
Posted on 24-09-2024

New Minimum Wage Rates Across Ontario and 3 Provinces Effective October 2024

The new minimum wage adjustments in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Prince Edward Island are set to take effect on October 1, 2024. These changes are part of an annual revision process to ensure that wages keep pace with the cost of living and other economic factors across Canada. In this comprehensive article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the new minimum wage rates, special categories, and how they compare across Canada.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of Minimum Wage Increases
  2. New Minimum Wage in Ontario
  3. Manitoba’s New Minimum Wage Updates
  4. Minimum Wage Increase in Saskatchewan
  5. Prince Edward Island Minimum Wage Raise
  6. Minimum Wage Rates Across Canada
  7. Canadian Provinces will Increase their Minimum Wage from October 1
  8. Canadian Province has the Highest Minimum Wage
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Overview of Minimum Wage Increases

Effective October 1, 2024, the minimum wage will rise in four Canadian provinces: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Prince Edward Island. This adjustment reflects an ongoing effort to align wages with the increasing cost of living and ensure fair compensation for workers across the country.

New Minimum Wage In Ontario

In Ontario, the minimum wage will increase from $16.55 to $17.20 per hour, representing a $0.65 rise. This annual adjustment aims to address inflation and living costs, ensuring that employees receive a fair wage for their work. Ontario’s government has been consistently raising the minimum wage in response to economic factors, and this increase marks another step toward supporting the workforce.

Wages Increment for Certain Categories In Ontario

Certain categories of workers in Ontario will see specific adjustments:

  • Students under 18: The minimum wage for students working 28 hours or less per week during the school year, or full-time during breaks, will rise from $15.60 to $16.20 per hour.
  • Home workers: Employees working from home will have their minimum wage increased from $18.20 to $18.90 per hour.
  • Hunting, fishing, and wilderness guides: The new minimum daily wage will be $82.85 for shifts under five hours and $165.75 for shifts over five hours.

Manitoba’s New Minimum Wage Update

Manitoba will increase its minimum wage from $15.30 to $15.80 per hour on October 1, 2024. This increase follows two previous hikes in 2023, bringing the total rise to $1.80 per hour over a two-year period. Manitoba’s minimum wage adjustments are based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to ensure wages keep pace with inflation.

Minimum Wage Increase In Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan’s minimum wage will rise from $14.00 to $15.00 per hour, effective October 1, 2024. This follows a previous increase from $13.00 to $14.00 per hour in 2023. The province has been gradually raising its minimum wage to support workers and align with the rising cost of living.

Prince Edward Island Minimum Wage Raise

Prince Edward Island will implement a minimum wage increase from $15.40 to $16.00 per hour starting October 1, 2024. The most recent increase occurred on April 1, 2024, when the rate was raised to $15.40 per hour. This upcoming change continues the province’s effort to support its workforce with fair compensation.

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Minimum Wage Rates Across Canada

Here’s a summary of the current and upcoming minimum wage rates across Canada:

Province/TerritoryCurrent Minimum WageNext Increase Date
Canada (Federally regulated sectors)$17.30April 1, 2025
Yukon$17.59April 1, 2025
Newfoundland and Labrador$15.60April 1, 2025
Nova Scotia$15.20April 1, 2025
Prince Edward Island$15.40$16.00 – October 1, 2024
New Brunswick$15.30April 1, 2025
Nunavut$19.00To be determined
British Columbia$17.40June 1, 2025
Ontario$16.55$17.20 – October 1, 2024
Northwest Territories$16.05To be determined
Manitoba$15.30$15.80 – October 1, 2024
Quebec$15.75May 1, 2025
Alberta$15.00To be determined
Saskatchewan$14.00$15.00 – October 1, 2024

Canadian Provinces Increased Their Minimum Wage From October 1, 2024

As of October 1, 2024, the following provinces will increase their minimum hourly wages:

  • Ontario: $17.20 per hour
  • Manitoba: $15.80 per hour
  • Saskatchewan: $15.00 per hour
  • Prince Edward Island: $16.00 per hour

Province With Highest Per Hour Wage In Canada

Currently, British Columbia holds the highest minimum wage rate in Canada at $17.40 per hour, effective from June 1, 2024. This is expected to increase again on June 1, 2025.


The new minimum wage increases across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Prince Edward Island are significant steps toward ensuring fair compensation for workers in these provinces. With the cost of living rising, these adjustments aim to provide financial stability and reflect the economic realities faced by employees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the minimum wage in Ontario?

Ans: As of October 1, 2024, Ontario’s minimum wage will rise from $16.55 to $17.20 per hour.

Q2. What is Manitoba’s minimum wage?

Ans: Manitoba’s minimum wage will increase from $15.30 to $15.80 per hour, effective October 1, 2024.

Q3. What is the minimum wage in Saskatchewan?

Ans: Saskatchewan’s minimum wage will rise from $14.00 to $15.00 per hour on October 1, 2024.

Q4. Which Canadian province has the highest minimum wage?

Ans: As of June 1, 2024, British Columbia has the highest minimum wage in Canada at $17.40 per hour.

Stay tuned for more updates as Canadian provinces continue to adjust their minimum wage rates annually to support the workforce.

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